Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy 2 years!

May 31, 2008... I married my best friend.  I know that is so cliche' but there really isn't a better way of saying it.  Doug is my best friend, the love of my life, my better half, he is all of those things to me.  Yesterday was our 2 year wedding anniversary but we have actually been together for 9 years!  Yes, we were high school sweet hearts that fell in love at first glance.  I am still to this day amazed that my parents even allowed me to date a 17 year old when I was just 15 (and a half)!  Especially when the first time my dad ever met Doug he had bleached blonde hair with 3 inch spikes.  But what can I say, Doug is a charmer and my family quickly accepted him as one of us.  I can't believe that it has been two years already, I remember our wedding day like it was yesterday.  My most vivid memory was the moment just before I walked down the aisle with my dad.  We were hiding in the door way anxiously waiting for our cue in the music to begin our walk, and I snuck a peak around the corner and saw Doug for the first time....he was so handsome and I could see that he was starting to tear up.  It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen, we had waited so long for that day to arrive that it seemed unreal that it was finally our day.  Doug, thank you for loving me, I promise to love you as much as I did in that moment forever!

Wow right!?  This photo was from our first homecoming together in 2001 :) 


  1. OMG!!!!! First...love your post about you and Doug. It made me tear up! You two are adorable. Second...that Homecoming photo is HIL.AR.IOUS!!! Your wedding picture is beautiful. That looks like our home state of WV in the background! We need a wine and cheese date soon Miss Courtney!

  2. Wow...that Homecoming picture...priceless.

  3. Awww! How sweet! You guys make such a great couple! And I love the homecoming pic!!! Happy Anniversary!!!

  4. Courtney! I stumbled upon your blog... well that's not accurate, I saw your link on facebook.

    Your photos are beautiful!

    This picture of you and Doug is hilarious. Oh the glory days of the early teenage years. :)

    Hope you are well!
