Friday, May 21, 2010


So Doug and I bought our first house!  What a crazy thing to type, it's still a little weird saying that out loud.  I'm not even sure how it all happend to be quite honest.  It was like one morning Doug said "Hey let's just look, it doesn't hurt to look right?!"  Then next thing I knew we were putting in an offer and deciding if we should get the smooth or textured finish on our appliances!  (we picked smooth by the way)  Life is crazy how it kinda sneaks up on you.  First you dream of one day going to college and then getting married and having the dog, the kids, and the white picket fence...and boom it's a reality!  It really has been a crazy two years for Doug and I, we graduated, got married (litterally two weeks after graduation), moved to Columbus, new jobs, bought a dog, and now the house.  It's funny that I always pray for God to show me what His path is for my life, and when I stop and look back it's so clear to me that He truely is in complete control.  I totally would have screwed this all up if my life was left up to me.  Who knows what will be in store for me in the future, all I can do is continue to pray that God stays in control and enjoy the ride!     

I don't have any pictures yet of our new house, (don't worry those will come soon enough) so I thought that I would post a picture of the house that I grew up in, well for the begining part of my childhood that is.  Good ol'  513 Fredrick Street.  I remember reciting that over and over in my head when I became the age that you were expected to know your full name, birth date, phone number, and address (that's a lot of pressure on a kid!)  Anyways, here she is in all her glory!  She was a great house to grow up in, and I can't wait to start making memories of our own in our first home :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Treasure Hunt

Call us weird, strange, even crazy, but Doug and I absolutely love going to flea markets and antique malls. It's one of the reasons I married him :) not only is he willing to go with me, but he actually enjoys them as much as I do.  I'm not sure where my love for antiques comes from, I think it's the thrill of finding objects that have so much history.  I guess in a way it's the same reason that I am drawn to photography.  Much like the 3-dimensional objects I find, I am creating an artifact that will forever serve as a reminder of a special moment in time.  Since Doug and I just recently bought our first home together, we were so excited to be able to search for some great treasures that we could furnish it with!  We had such a great afternoon together and discovered some cool finds.  Here are a few photos that I was able to snap on our treasure hunt :)

Doug and I have always had the dream of creating a line of something together that we could
possibly we found these antique keys that we plan to make into jewelry.

I found him!!!!

Love these tables :)

Ooo shiny... wish I could buy the the whole case!

Just a little creepy, but I couldn't help myself I love photographing brides :)

This find gave me a might not be able to read the label on these but they were had cuffs
that read "Property Of Georgetown County Plantation Police."  A very sad piece of history.

Doug's find!  Although we had to dump out a cigar box full of miss-matched jewelry but he was happy.

This is my buddy Roxy, we met her as we were looking around her owner's booth.  They put the
sofa out to sell but Roxy thought it was just for her :)

One of the antique pins that we bought in hopes to create some amazing jewelry!

Doug found this awesome 1940's fan

And finally this was our last purchase, an old wooden frame that I am going
to paint and turn into a mirror...Raisin just happened to be in the right place at
the right time I swear :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lauren and Eric

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of photographing Lauren and Eric.  I know that I am a little late putting this on my blog, but hey better late then never right?  Lauren and Eric live back in my home state of West Virginia, so I packed up my gear and took a little trip back to the Wild n' Wonderful!  It was a  beautiful day and they were so much fun to shoot!  They decided to take their photos on the campus of Bethany College, it was a great choice.   The college was founded in 1840 so it was full of beautiful architecture and history.  Before Lauren and Eric arrived I had a lot of fun walking around the campus exploring with my camera.  It was a great shoot, and I want to thank Lauren and Eric for making my job so easy!! 

My wonderful husband, Doug,
carrying my camera bag!

I couldn't help myself :)  Thanks Doug for all your support, I couldn't do it without you!